简而言之, Fluid是由 apsolut 开发的基于 SAP 的采购创新推动器。
Fluid是 apsolut 开发的平台;它将贵公司使用的各种解决方案整合到一个总体生态系统中,在这个生态系统中,流程可以实现自动化,数据可以在任何需要的地方使用。创新推动者Fluid将 SAP 系统(SAP S/4HANA、SAP ECC、SAP Ariba)连接到我们创新的合作伙伴解决方案,以提供开箱即用的流程和集成。
Fluid 知道连接您的系统和解决方案的最佳方式。它充当您的解决方案之间的纽带,确保最佳的数据流。
为了帮助您更好地了解如何使用Fluid,我们准备了两个用例:德国供应链法 (LKSG) 确保根据特定标准对供应商进行监控和审计。此过程由 Integrity Next 和类似公司处理。供应商会收到调查问卷。
Fluid从 SAP 系统汇编所有必要的供应商,并将其发送给 Integrity Next。然后,Integrity Next 可以评估供应商,Fluid 确保结果自动反馈到 SAP 系统。与供应商的价格谈判是另一个例子。目前已经有可以自动协商价格的解决方案;它们被称为机器人。机器人自动工作,因此购买不再需要手动协商,因为机器人会自己与供应商沟通。机器人基于 AI(人工智能),并使用 NLP(自然语言处理)来交换信息。然而,如果机器人也有一个“大脑”,可以存储数据并在每次与供应商谈判时访问数据,那就太理想了。
机器人应该能够识别过去订单的数量。借助Fluid ,机器人可以模拟这种背景知识。Fluid 提取有关供应商的必要信息并将这些知识提供给机器人,从而使机器人能够在特定情况下进行适当的沟通。
The Fluid platform is based on SAP BTP. SAP BTP allows Fluid to send data to SAP systems via a secure pathway thanks to the SAP Cloud Connector. There is no need for you to set up your own BTP infrastructure here. Fluid is operated as software as a service, or as we call it: innovation integration as a service. In fact, you won’t even notice that SAP BTP is behind it. Since we operate the platform as a service, support and maintenance for the platform are included in our monthly usage fee.
We ensure that the systems can communicate with each other, even if they have different interfaces.
apsolut Squando is a supplier management solution developed especially for supplier onboarding, qualification and certificate management. There are already platforms that compile information about suppliers and make it available; Fluid can be used as a hub to connect these data sources to Squando, making supplier management more efficient. Fluid links Squando to external data sources, so Fluid can ensure that the figures from Integrity Next are also visible in Squando, for example.
apsolut 集团是屡获殊荣的 SAP 年度采购合作伙伴,而 Creactives 是采购和供应链应用 AI 领域公认的领导者,这两家公司已正式宣布建立新的战略合作伙伴关系。通过此次合作,采购和供应链组织可以轻松地将最强大的 AI 工具集成到其 SAP ERP 环境中。