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Industry peers meet on the SAP campus to share ideas and best practices around SAP Business Network. Join the event to improve supply chain visibility through collaboration!
10.03.2025 2025-03-25 https://events.sap.com/de/sap-business-network-customer-community-meeting-2025/en/home WalldorfSAP Business Network Customer Community Meeting
Join us on 3rd April 2025 in Zurich for the SAP Innovation Day for Finance and Spend Management! Learn from inspiring customer success stories and transformation journeys – including our customer Pilatus Aircraft, who will talk about their e-procurement journey and the associated business goals.
04.02.2025 2025-04-03 https://events.sap.com/ch/sap-innovation-day-finance-spend/en/home?source=apsolut Zurich, SwitzerlandSAP Innovation Day for Finance and Spend Management
Make your procurement fit for the future and exchange ideas with other procurement experts. Discover, for example, new AI use cases that will really optimise your processes. Our customer STIHL will report on its global Ariba project, focusing on indirect procurement.
10.03.2025 2025-04-08 https://events.sap.com/de/sap-spend-connect-innovation-day-2025/de/home?campaigncode=CRM-DN25-AAA-2921223&source=email-de-email-partner-apsolut Offenbach am MainSAP Spend Connect Innovation Day Germany
The IntegrityNext XPLORE World Tour is making a stop in Hanover. We will be there and look forward to networking with you in a relaxed atmosphere. Don't hesitate to talk to us about how you can integrate 3rd party tools from the ESG area into your SAP architecture using apsolut Fluid.
10.03.2025 2025-05-08 https://web.integritynext.com/de/xplore/world-tour-hannover HannoverIntegrityNext Xplore World Tour
We are available to our registered support customers Monday through Friday from 08:00 to 18:00.
Your personal contact:
Jonas Vomstein
Head of Reference Marketing & Storytelling
+49 (0) 521 163909905
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