Optimizing Procurement in SAP
A Deep Dive into Process Automation
This Webinar focuses on how to harness the power of SAP Build Process Automation, the apsolut Negotiation Bot, and our MS Teams-integrated Procurement Bot to streamline your procurement operations like never before.
Learn more about...
...Automating SAP Ariba Sourcing/Contracts with SAP Build Process Automation: Explore how automating sourcing and contracts in SAP Ariba can save time, reduce errors, and ensure compliance, providing your procurement team with a powerful edge.
...Automating SAP Ariba Buying with the apsolut Negotiation Bot: Witness the future of procurement in action as we demonstrate how the apsolut Negotiation Bot can autonomously negotiate with suppliers, driving better deals with minimal human intervention.
...Bringing Procurement to MS Teams with Our Procurement Bot: Learn how our MS Teams-integrated Procurement Bot acts as your digital colleague, seamlessly handling procurement tasks within your existing communication platforms, making collaboration and decision-making faster and more efficient.
What to expect:
...Discover practical applications of automation in SAP procurement.
...Learn how these tools can be seamlessly integrated into your existing systems.
...Gain insights from real-world use cases and expert demonstrations.
Sergen Batman, SAP Procurement Architect, apsolut Group
Robin Seidel, Intelligent Process Automation Consultant, apsolut Group