apsolut collects more than 10,000 euros in the German floods campaign

The consequences of the flood disaster in large parts of the federate states Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia in July 2021 have also greatly moved the apsolut team and motivated them to make a joint donation.

The exact extent of the flood damage is not clear yet. Thousands of people have lost their property, and the damage runs into billions. To help those affected in their desperate situations, the employees of apsolut have initiated their own fundraising campaign.

"The images of the flood disaster are shocking! In such difficult moments, it is our social duty to take responsibility and show solidarity! That is why we have collected more than 10,000 euros in emergency aid. Half of the sum comes directly from the employees, the other half comes from the company," says Thomas Herbst, Managing Director and founder of apsolut.

The amount from the campaign goes to the German organisation Hochwasser in Deutschland | Aktionsbündnis Katastrophenhilfe (Engl.: Floods in Germany | Action Alliance for Disaster Relie, aktionsbuendnis-katastrophenhilfe.de,). Aktionsbündnis Katastrophenhilfe, consisting of Caritas international, Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe, German Red Cross and Unicef, helps in the affected regions by providing drinking water, food and materials. This also includes laying out cash so that people in the flooded areas can buy food or new furniture. They also offer psychological support and childcare programmes.

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SAP Innovation Day for Finance and Spend Management

Join us on 3rd April 2025 in Zurich for the SAP Innovation Day for Finance and Spend Management! Learn from inspiring customer success stories and transformation journeys – including our customer Pilatus Aircraft, who will talk about their e-procurement journey and the associated business goals.

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