Boost your Efficiency in Procurement

SAP Ariba Direct Materials Sourcing for Automotive & Manufacturing

This webinar focuses on exploring the transformative benefits of implementing SAP Ariba Direct Materials Sourcing for Automotive & Manufacturing. This session is designed for procurement professionals and business leaders who want to streamline their sourcing processes and enhance contract management efficiency.

Key Benefits of SAP Ariba Direct Materials Sourcing for Automotive & Manufacturing:

...Boost operational compliance and team efficiency

...Reduce cost and better manage price volatility

...Improve product sustainability

...Bring innovations to market faster


Request this webinar recording to meet our experts virtually to dive deeper into the benefits of SAP Ariba Direct Materials Sourcing for Automotive & Manufacturing.


What you can expect from this webinar:

...A glimpse into the solution (Demo)

...We will explain how it covers end to end processes

...We will show you how the solution meets your specific needs



Anup Nair, Manager, apsolut Group

Ulf Petzel, Head of Global Solution Advisory, PLM & Direct Materials Sourcing, SAP

  • Webinar recording: Boost your Efficiency in Procurement: SAP Ariba Direct Materials Sourcing for Automotive & Manufacturing

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SAP Innovation Day for Finance and Spend Management

Treffen Sie uns am 3. April 2025 in Zürich auf dem SAP Innovation Day for Finance and Spend Management! Erfahren Sie mehr von den Erfolgsgeschichten unserer Kunden – darunter auch Pilatus Aircraft, die über ihre E-Procurement-Transformation und die damit verbundenen Geschäftsziele sprechen werden.

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SAP Innovation Day for Finance and Spend Management

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Machen Sie Ihren Einkauf fit für die Zukunft und tauschen Sie sich mit anderen Beschaffungsexperten aus. Entdecken Sie unter anderem neue KI-Use Cases, die Ihre Prozesse wirklich optimieren. Unser Kunde STIHL wird über sein globales Ariba-Projekt berichten, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der indirekten Beschaffung liegt.

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2025-05-14 London

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